Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Pledge Allegiance to the Obama...

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, those bastions of wisdom and virtue, have made video pledge to the Great One, Obama.
Kneel before Zod!
Does Obama has a Presidential Ring complete with the Seal yet? I'm sure Kutcher would be the first one to get on his knees and kiss the ring, swear his oath of fealty. The US is obviously only here to serve the Obama, not the other way around.
Creepy isn't a strong enough word to use to describe the video. Psychotic might be better one.
Does anyone remember the Hitler Youth? Probably not, I have serious doubts about celebrities anyway but this make me lose all hope. It's not cool to pledge to the nation, but pledging to Obama, now that's cool. Give me a break, these celebrities need to get over themselves. How many of them rushed to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina?
Micheal Strahan why?

Heaven Help us all, if these moonbats have any influence on policy.

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